Last Updated on November 19, 2023 by Mary Pressler

Mary Pressler, Texas Electricity Broker

Residential and Commercial Energy Service in Texas


If you’re new to Texas, you might want help setting up your electric utilities. About 85% of Texas has a deregulated electricity market, so based on where you live, you can shop for an electricity provider.

Here’s the kicker. There are over 100 Retail Electricity Providers operating in the state of Texas, and each one is spending thousands, even millions of dollars of ad spend to compete for your business. Some Texans get so confused by the options and terminology that they end up agreeing to unfair terms and outrageous rates without knowing.

This is where I come in. I am Mary Pressler and I have been a licensed energy broker in Texas since 2013. It’s been a wild ride working within the Texas electricity industry for the past decade. I’ve witnessed every crisis from floods to Uri, and every triumph such as record breaking wind power generation. As a Texan, I understand the fear of rolling power outages, the pain of high electric bills and the frustration dealing with an electric company that goes out of business without notice.

As an energy broker in Texas, my job is to find the most affordable electricity rates with the most reliable, outstanding electricity brands in Texas. I have established relationships with only the best light companies in Texas including Reliant, Frontier Utilities, Green Mountain Energy, Rhythm Energy and Payless Power. Given a little information from my clients, I can quickly pinpoint the most suitable electricity plan with the best contract terms. Better yet, I keep an eye out for expiring contracts to keep you in the loop.

Our energy brokerage operates in Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, Lubbock, Odessa, Corpus Christi, Waco and 400 more Texas cities. Reach out today.

Mary Pressler - Texas Energy Expert

More About Electricity Brokers in Texas 

Having a deregulated power sector like in Texas and being able to choose your electricity provider has advantages and disadvantages. If you can find the ideal electricity plan for your home, you can save hundreds of dollars over time. However, having too many options also means you can end up with a poor choice, making your power bills higher than necessary.

An electricity broker is a person or company who acts as a middleman between retail electricity providers (REP) and consumers. An electricity broker can give you advice when comparing different energy plans for your home or business. Based on your energy consumption profile and their knowledge of the Texas power market, they can help you find an electricity plan that will result in lower monthly bills.

Comparing electricity plans can be complex, since each provider offers multiple options and pricing structures. With the guidance of an electricity broker, you can avoid common mistakes when choosing an electricity plan.

  • For example, some electricity providers offer free nights or weekends, but they may charge above-average electricity prices the rest of the time.
  • Unless most of your energy consumption happens during free hours, you may actually get a higher power bill.
  • There are also electricity providers who charge low kWh prices above a certain consumption, but high prices below this point. Unless your consumption is very high, you may never reach the lower kWh price they advertise.

These are just some examples of how Texas electricity plans can cause confusion, especially when there are many options available in the market. A Texas energy broker like Mary can quickly find the best rate plan, based on your consumption profile.

The Relationship Between Texas Electricity Brokers, Retail Electricity Providers and Power Generators

When the electric sector is deregulated in a state or country, traditional power companies are replaced by smaller companies with specific roles.

  • Power generation companies use different types of generation technologies to produce electricity, as their name implies.
  • Retail electricity providers (REP) purchase energy from generation companies in a wholesale market, where kilowatt-hour prices are always changing based on supply and demand. REPs then resell this energy to consumers, who are billed based on the electricity plan they choose.
  • Electricity brokers are the middlemen between consumers and REPs, as mentioned above, and they also provide advice and procurement services for consumers. Energy brokers may also act on behalf of their customers, choosing electricity plans directly.

It’s important to note that electricity brokers don’t own any power plants or transmission lines, and they don’t sell you energy directly. Instead, they help you choose among the electricity plans available in the local competitive market. An electricity broker is very similar to a real estate agent, who helps you compare multiple properties owned by third parties. Actually, brokers are not allowed to purchase and resell energy.

Mary Pressler, Texas Electricity BrokerHow Are Electricity Brokers Regulated in Texas?

As you might expect, there are requirements for becoming an electricity broker in Texas, and rules to follow once you get approved. Any person or company who plans to get involved in electricity brokerage must be registered with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT). The PUCT provides an application form.

There are thousands of electricity brokers in Texas, and hundreds of commercial names (DBAs or “Doing Business As”) owned by these brokers. For example, Quick Electricity is a DBA name owned by Pressler Energy LLC. Electricity brokers in Texas can register up to four commercial names (DBA), in addition to their official business name.

  • A retail electricity provider or REP cannot become an electricity broker.
  • When a company has already been registered as an electricity broker, there is no need to register employees individually.
  • Agents acting on behalf of an REP don’t need to register either.

All electricity brokers in Texas are subject to Public Utility Regulatory Act (PURA) § 39.3555 and PUC Substantive Rules §§ 25.112, 25.471, and 25.486. They are subject to stringent regulation, which includes avoiding any communications that mislead electricity consumers. The following are some examples of prohibited communication:

  • Suggesting that a certain electricity plan will also make the transmission and distribution service (TDU) more reliable. This is not possible, since retail electricity providers (REP) are independent from transmission and distribution utilities (TDU).
  • Falsely implying or suggesting that the broker is a representative of a utility (TDU) or electricity provider (REP).
  • Stating that brokerage services are provided without compensation. Normally, electricity brokers earn fees from the retail electricity providers (REP) they work with.

In general, any false claims by electricity providers and brokers are forbidden by law in Texas. Providing electricity brokerage services without being a registered broker is also against the law. 

Becoming a Texas Electricity Broker

Electricity broker applications are reviewed for completeness within 20 days, and applicants are given 10 working days to fix any deficiencies found. Regardless of this, the PUCT will decide to approve or reject an electricity broker application within 60 days (two months).

Electricity brokers in Texas must be aware that registrations expire after three years, starting from the date when the registration number is assigned. Brokers must submit renewal applications at least 90 days before the expiration date. 

Brokers must follow the Public Utility Regulatory Act (PURA) and other PUCT rules – otherwise they may face suspensions, revocations or administrative penalties. Electricity brokers are also subject to the minimum standards of customer protection, under the Texas Administrative Code. They must avoid any business practices that are considered deceptive, fraudulent or anti-competitive.

Choose Me As Your Electricity Broker in Texas

Home or business, big or small, I can help you find the best electricity plan. Contact Mary Pressler, Quick Energy Broker in Texas